John Kendrew是什么意思 John Kendrew的读音、翻译、用法

John Kendrew是什么意思 John Kendrew的读音、翻译、用法


John Kendrew是一位英国生物化学家,他曾获得xx年的诺贝尔化学奖,因为他解析了蛋白质的结构并提供了描述蛋白质结构的新方法。

以下是含有John Kendrew这个词语的9个英文例句:

1. John Kendrew worked at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge.

(John Kendrew曾在剑桥分子生物学实验室工作。)

2. The Kendrew Quadrangle at St John's College, Cambridge was named after John Kendrew.

(剑桥圣约翰学院的Kendrew四合院是以John Kendrew的名字命名的。)

3. John Kendrew's work led to the understanding of the three-dimensional structure of myoglobin.

(John Kendrew的工作导致了肌红蛋白三维结构的理解。)

4. In 1958, John Kendrew published the structure of myoglobin in the journal Nature.

(xx年,John Kendrew在《自然》杂志上发表了肌红蛋白的结构。)

5. John Kendrew's research on the structure of proteins paved the way for advances in medicine and biotechnology.

(John Kendrew对蛋白质结构的研究为医学和生物技术的进步铺平了道路。)

6. John Kendrew's contributions to science have been widely recognized and celebrated.

(John Kendrew的科学贡献得到了广泛的认可和赞扬。)

7. John Kendrew's work helped establish the field of structural biology.

(John Kendrew的工作帮助确立了结构生物学领域。)

8. John Kendrew's legacy lives on through the continued study and advancement of protein structure and function.

(通过对蛋白质结构和功能的持续研究和进步,John Kendrew的遗产得以延续。)

9. John Kendrew's Nobel Prize was awarded jointly with Max Perutz for their contributions to the study of protein structure.

(John Kendrew的诺贝尔奖与Max Perutz一同获得,以表彰他们对蛋白质结构研究的贡献。)

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