Vigna cylindrica是什么意思 Vigna cylindrica的读音、翻译、用法

Vigna cylindrica是什么意思 Vigna cylindrica的读音、翻译、用法

'Vigna cylindrica'是英文词语,中文翻译为圆刀豆。它是豆科植物的一种,也称为跳豆。这种植物原产于非洲,是一种耐旱、耐热的作物,被广泛种植于非洲、亚洲和南美洲等地。它的豆荚是圆柱形的,故得名圆刀豆。

以下是9个含有'Vigna cylindrica'的例句:

1. We grow 'Vigna cylindrica' in our farm for its drought resistance.


2. 'Vigna cylindrica' is a staple food in many African countries.


3. The leaves of 'Vigna cylindrica' are used as fodder for livestock.


4. 'Vigna cylindrica' has a high protein content and is a good source of nutrition.


5. In some parts of Asia, 'Vigna cylindrica' is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.


6. The cultivation of 'Vigna cylindrica' helps to improve soil fertility.


7. 'Vigna cylindrica' is also known as the yardlong bean due to the length of its pods.


8. The seeds of 'Vigna cylindrica' can be stored for a long time without losing their viability.


9. 'Vigna cylindrica' is a versatile crop that can be used for food, fodder, and soil improvement.


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