1. The mosquito is a species of Nematocera that spreads diseases such as malaria.(蚊子是线虫亚目中一种能传播疟疾等疾病的物种。)
2. Black flies belong to Nematocera and usually live near swift streams.(黑蝇属于线虫亚目,通常生活在急流附近。)
3. Midges are small flying insects that belong to the family Chironomidae under the order Nematocera.(小蚊子是线虫亚目下昆虫科的一种。)
4. Gnats, also known as mosquito hawks, come from the Nematocera suborder of the Diptera order.(小飞虫,又叫蚊子鹰,来自双翅目下的线虫亚目。)
5. The crane fly is a common species of Nematocera that has long legs and fragile wings.(蚊蚊虫是线虫亚目中一种常见的昆虫,它的腿长,翅膀脆弱。)
6. Mosquitoes and black flies are two of the most common pests in the Nematocera suborder.(蚊子和黑蝇是线虫亚目下最常见的两种害虫。)
7. The fungus gnat is a small insect in the Nematocera suborder that feeds on fungi.(灰飞虱是线虫亚目下一种以真菌为食的小昆虫。)
8. The larvae of some Nematocera species live in the water and are an important food source for fish.(某些线虫亚目昆虫的幼虫生活在水中,是鱼类的重要食物来源。)
9. The biting midge is a tiny insect from the Nematocera suborder that feeds on the blood of humans and animals.(咬人的小蚊子是线虫亚目下一种以人类和动物血液为食的微小昆虫。)