'Karl Donitz'是德国的词语,翻译为卡尔·多尼茨,他是第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国海军的最高指挥官。他曾于xx年接替希特勒成为德国总理,但仅仅只有23天的时间,德国最终战败投降。
以下是9个含有'Karl Donitz'的例句:
1. Karl Donitz在战争中担任了纳粹德国海军的最高指挥官。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz served as the highest commander of the Nazi German Navy during the war.)
2. Karl Donitz曾在德国海军上经历过两次世界大战。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz had experienced two World Wars while in the German Navy.)
3. Karl Donitz在接任德国总理后,仅领导了23天就宣布投降。(中文翻译:After taking on the role of German Chancellor, Karl Donitz surrendered only 23 days later.)
4. Karl Donitz因在战争中的表现而被授予钢铁十字勋章。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz was awarded the Iron Cross for his actions during the war.)
5. Karl Donitz是一个极具争议的历史人物。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz is a highly controversial historical figure.)
6. Karl Donitz在接替希特勒后,试图与盟军和平谈判。(中文翻译:After taking over from Hitler, Karl Donitz attempted to negotiate a peace with the Allied forces.)
7. Karl Donitz被认为是二战期间最杰出的德国海军指挥官之一。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz is considered one of the most outstanding German naval commanders during World War II.)
8. Karl Donitz在战争结束后被判有罪,因为他曾下令在海战中击沉无辜民船。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz was convicted after the war for ordering the sinking of innocent civilian ships during naval battles.)
9. Karl Donitz的传记被认为是了解二战期间德国海军的必读之作。(中文翻译:Karl Donitz's biography is considered essential reading for understanding the German Navy during World War II.)