'Elihu Root'是英语词汇,翻译为“艾利胡·鲁特”,是美国历史上著名的政治家和律师,曾任美国总统特使、国务卿和战时战备委员会主席。
1. Elihu Root was instrumental in modernizing the US Army during his tenure as Secretary of War.(艾利胡·鲁特在担任战争部长期间对美国陆军的现代化建设功不可没。)
2. As President Theodore Roosevelt's special envoy, Elihu Root helped to mediate peace negotiations between Russia and Japan.(作为西奥多·罗斯福总统的特使,艾利胡·鲁特协助促成了俄罗斯和日本之间的和平谈判。)
3. Elihu Root was a key figure in the establishment of the Hague Tribunal, which aimed to settle international disputes through legal means.(艾利胡·鲁特是海牙法庭建立的重要人物,该法庭旨在通过法律手段解决国际争端。)
4. In recognition of his contributions to international law, Elihu Root was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1912.(为表彰他对国际法的贡献,艾利胡·鲁特在xx年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。)
5. Elihu Root was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, an influential think tank in the United States.(艾利胡·鲁特是“外交关系委员会”的创始成员之一,该智库在美国具有很大的影响力。)
6. As Chairman of the War Relief Commission, Elihu Root oversaw the distribution of aid to European nations affected by World War I.(作为战争救援委员会的主席,艾利胡·鲁特监督了向受第一次世界大战影响的欧洲国家提供援助的分配工作。)
7. Elihu Root was a talented lawyer and argued several landmark cases before the US Supreme Court.(艾利胡·鲁特是一位才华横溢的律师,在美国最高法院主持了几个具有里程碑意义的案件。)
8. During his time as Secretary of State, Elihu Root successfully negotiated the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, which granted the United States the right to build and control the Panama Canal.(在他担任国务卿期间,艾利胡·鲁特成功地谈判了海本-布瑙-瓦里拉条约,该条约授予了美国修建和控制巴拿马运河的权利。)
9. Elihu Root's legacy as a statesman and legal scholar continues to be felt in American politics and international relations to this day.(艾利胡·鲁特作为政治家和法学学者的遗产至今仍在美国政治和国际关系中产生影响。)