Andropogon nutans是什么意思 Andropogon nutans的读音、翻译、用法

Andropogon nutans是什么意思 Andropogon nutans的读音、翻译、用法

'Andropogon nutans'是拉丁语,意为“摇头安祖草”,原产于北美洲。这是一种优美的多年生草本植物,高度在1-2米之间,茎细长且开花期较长。

该词语主要被用作植物学中的学名,用于描述'Andropogon nutans'这一种植物的分类和特征。同时,也可以用于生物多样性和生态学领域的研究和教学中。

以下是9个含有'Andropogon nutans'的例句:

1. Yellow-throated vireos are often found in areas with dense undergrowth and shrubs, where 'Andropogon nutans' is commonly found. (黄喉鹟常出没于草木丛生、草丛茂盛的地区,这些地区常见'Andropogon nutans'。)

2. 'Andropogon nutans' is an important food source for many species of birds and small mammals in North America. ('Andropogon nutans'是北美洲许多鸟类和小型哺乳动物的重要食物来源。)

3. The grassland ecosystem in the Midwest is dominated by species such as 'Andropogon gerardii' and 'Andropogon nutans'. (中西部的草原生态系统以'Andropogon gerardii'和'Andropogon nutans'等物种为主。)

4. Researchers found that the presence of 'Andropogon nutans' in a prairie restoration project increased plant diversity and soil health. (研究人员发现,在草原复育项目中引入'Andropogon nutans'可以增加植物多样性和土壤健康状况。)

5. 'Andropogon nutans' is commonly used in landscaping and erosion control projects due to its deep roots and ability to hold soil in place. ('Andropogon nutans'由于其深根和固土能力,常被用于景观设计和防治水土流失项目。)

6. The spectacled bear, a threatened species in South America, relies on 'Andropogon nutans' and other grasses for food and habitat. (眼镜熊是南美洲濒危物种,它们依赖于'Andropogon nutans'和其他草本植物作为食物和栖息地。)

7. 'Andropogon nutans' is known to adapt well to fire and often becomes more dominant in burned areas. ('Andropogon nutans'被认为适应火灾适应能力强,常常在烧伤地区占据主导地位。)

8. Prairie chickens, a species of grouse, use 'Andropogon nutans' for cover and nesting. (草原鸡是一种鸟类,它们利用'Andropogon nutans'作为掩护和筑巢的地方。)

9. The tall, swaying grasses of 'Andropogon nutans' create a beautiful and tranquil atmosphere in the prairie. ('Andropogon nutans'高大、摇曳的草丛在大草原上创造出美丽而宁静的氛围。)

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