'Ira Newble'这个词语来源于英语,是一个人名。
Ira Newble是一名前美国职业篮球运动员,曾效力于NBA多支球队。此外,他还是一名社会活动家,曾携手其他球员组织抗议活动,呼吁维护人权。
以下是9个含有'Ira Newble'的例句:
1. Ira Newble is a former professional basketball player in the NBA. (Ira Newble是一位曾效力于NBA的前职业篮球运动员。)
2. After retiring from basketball, Ira Newble became a social activist. (退役后,Ira Newble成为了一名社会活动家。)
3. Ira Newble was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1975. (Ira Newble出生于xx年的密歇根州底特律。)
4. In 2008, Ira Newble traveled to Sudan to raise awareness about the crisis in Darfur. (xx年,Ira Newble前往苏丹,以唤起人们对达尔富尔危机的关注。)
5. Ira Newble played for several NBA teams, including the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Los Angeles Lakers. (Ira Newble曾为几支NBA球队效力,包括克利夫兰骑士队和洛杉矶湖人队。)
6. Ira Newble is known for his activism on behalf of human rights. (Ira Newble以维护人权的行动闻名。)
7. Ira Newble founded a non-profit organization called Athletes for Peace. (Ira Newble创立了一家名为Athletes for Peace的非营利组织。)
8. Ira Newble was a member of the NBA Players Association during his career as a player. (Ira Newble在球员生涯期间是NBA球员协会的成员。)
9. Ira Newble's efforts to raise awareness about the crisis in Darfur received widespread media attention. (Ira Newble为唤起人们对达尔富尔危机的关注所做的努力受到了广泛的媒体关注。)