1. Peronospora viticola是葡萄霜霉病的致病菌,会使葡萄叶子凋萎。
(Peronospora viticola is the pathogen of downy mildew in grapevine, which causes the leaves of grapevine to wither.)
2. 在育苗期,Peronospora parasitica可能会使植物叶片出现灰白色霉层。
(During seedling stage, Peronospora parasitica may cause grayish-white mold on the plant leaves.)
3. Peronospora hyoscyami是曼陀罗的一种真菌病。
(Peronospora hyoscyami is a fungus disease of henbane.)
4. 木薯中的Peronospora manihotis会导致植物变得弱小,降低产量。
(Peronospora manihotis in cassava causes the plants to become weak and reduces the yield.)
5. 菠菜叶片上的Peronospora effusa会使叶片出现黄色斑点。
(Peronospora effusa on spinach leaves may cause yellow spots on the leaves.)
6. Peronospora farinosa是烟草霜霉病的致病菌。
(Peronospora farinosa is the pathogen of downy mildew in tobacco.)
7. 在黄瓜、南瓜等植物上,Peronospora cubensis可以引起霜霉病。
(Peronospora cubensis can cause downy mildew on plants such as cucumber and pumpkin.)
8. Peronospora destructor是洋葱病的致病菌,会导致洋葱变软、变色。
(Peronospora destructor is the pathogen of onion disease, which causes onions to become soft and discolored.)
9. 在草莓中,Peronospora sparsa会造成叶片变色、凋萎。
(In strawberries, Peronospora sparsa causes discoloration and withering of leaves.)