Leucoma是什么意思 Leucoma的读音、翻译、用法

Leucoma是什么意思 Leucoma的读音、翻译、用法

Leucoma不是一个国家的语言,而是一个生物学术语,指的是眼睛角膜上的白色病变,也被称为角膜混浊,是一种常见的眼科疾病。常见的翻译包括corneal opacity、corneal leukoma等。这个词语在医学上常用来描述角膜病变的程度和类型。


1. Leucoma是一种表层角膜病变,通常由于眼部创伤、角膜感染或角膜干燥等引起。

(Leucoma is a superficial corneal lesion that is usually caused by eye trauma, corneal infection or dryness.)

2. 在角膜病变的早期阶段,Leucoma可能只是一些白色的点状分布,随着时间的推移,它们会逐渐扩大并且变得更加明显。

(In the early stages of corneal lesions, Leucoma may be only some white spot-like distribution, over time, they will gradually expand and become more pronounced.)

3. 没有明显症状的Leucoma往往不需要治疗,但是如果Leucoma影响到视觉,医生可能需要采取药物或手术治疗。

(Leucoma without obvious symptoms often does not require treatment, but if Leucoma affects vision, the doctor may need to take medication or surgery.)

4. 虽然Leucoma可以通过手术治疗,但是治疗后可能会留下疤痕和其他并发症。

(Although Leucoma can be treated by surgery, scarring and other complications may be left behind after treatment.)

5. Leucoma病变的严重程度取决于病因和病变的位置,有些情况下可能会导致视力受损。

(The severity of Leucoma lesions depends on the cause and location of the lesions, and in some cases may result in impaired vision.)

6. 由于Leucoma会影响视力,因此在驾驶和其他活动中,患者需要特别注意安全。

(As Leucoma can affect vision, patients need to be particularly careful about safety when driving and other activities.)

7. 对于Leucoma病人来说,保持眼部清洁和干燥非常重要,以避免进一步的感染和病变。

(For Leucoma patients, it is important to maintain eye hygiene and dryness to avoid further infection and damage.)

8. 尽管Leucoma是一种常见的眼科疾病,但是它的病因和发病机制仍然需要进一步研究和探索。

(Although Leucoma is a common ophthalmic disease, its etiology and pathogenesis still need further research and exploration.)

9. 在医治Leucoma方面,早期的诊断和治疗是至关重要的,以避免Leucoma病变进一步发展和影响视力。

(In the treatment of Leucoma, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent further development of Leucoma lesions and affect vision.)

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