常见翻译: Coloane (澳门特别行政区南部的半岛)
用法: Coloane是一个地名,可以用来描述澳门南部的风景和文化。
1. 澳门的Coloane是一个非常宁静的地方,可以放松身心。(中文翻译:Coloane in Macau is a very peaceful place where you can relax.)
2. 在Coloane,你可以看到许多传统的葡式建筑。(中文翻译:In Coloane, you can see many traditional Portuguese-style buildings.)
3. Coloane的美丽海滩吸引了很多游客。(中文翻译:The beautiful beaches in Coloane attract many tourists.)
4. Coloane的夜景非常美丽。(中文翻译:The night view of Coloane is very beautiful.)
5. 在Coloane的小巷里,你可以感受到浓厚的澳门文化。(中文翻译:In the alleys of Coloane, you can feel the rich culture of Macau.)
6. Coloane的渔村非常有特色。(中文翻译:The fishing village in Coloane is very unique.)
7. Coloane的圣母安拉教堂是一个历史悠久的建筑。(中文翻译:The Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Coloane is a historic building.)
8. Coloane的马路上有很多小吃店,可以品尝到地道的澳门美食。(中文翻译:There are many snack shops on the streets of Coloane where you can taste authentic Macau cuisine.)
9. 在Coloane的山顶可以俯瞰整个澳门,视野非常开阔。(中文翻译:The top of Coloane offers a broad view of the entire Macau.)