pareidolia是什么意思 pareidolia的读音、翻译、用法

pareidolia是什么意思 pareidolia的读音、翻译、用法



1. I saw a face in the clouds. It was just pareidolia. (我在云朵中看到了一个脸孔,但那只是错觉。)

2. Many people think they see the face of Jesus in the toast, but it's just pareidolia. (许多人认为他们在吐司上看到了耶稣的脸,但其实只是错觉。)

3. Some people report seeing ghosts in photographs, but it's often just pareidolia. (有些人声称在照片里看到了鬼魂,但往往只是错觉。)

4. Pareidolia can also occur in sound, causing people to hear voices or music where there is none. (错觉也可以出现在声音中,导致人们在没有声音的地方听到声音或音乐。)

5. Many conspiracy theories are based on pareidolia, as people see patterns or connections that aren't really there. (许多阴谋论都基于错觉,因为人们看到了并不存在的模式或联系。)

6. Pareidolia is a natural human tendency, but it can sometimes lead to irrational beliefs or behaviors. (错觉是人类天生的倾向,但有时会导致非理性的信仰或行为。)

7. The brain's ability to recognize patterns and shapes is a key factor in pareidolia. (大脑识别模式和形状的能力是错觉的关键因素。)

8. Some psychologists believe that pareidolia may be linked to certain mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia. (一些心理学家认为,错觉可能与某些精神健康问题,如精神分裂症相关。)

9. While pareidolia is often harmless, it can also be a symptom of more serious underlying conditions. (虽然错觉通常是无害的,但也可能是更严重的潜在疾病的症状。)

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