'acidular' 不是任何国家的语言,它是一个不存在的单词,可能是拼写错误。如果是“acidulate”,它的中文意思为“使变酸、酸化”,常见用法是指将食品或液体添加酸性物质来调节味道或保鲜。
1. We added lemon juice to acidulate the soup.(我们加了柠檬汁来给汤调酸味)
2. Add vinegar to acidulate the salad dressing.(在沙拉酱中加入醋来使其酸化)
3. The recipe calls for acidulating the fruit with citric acid.(这个食谱要求用柠檬酸来使水果变酸)
4. Acidulated water can help preserve the color of vegetables.(酸化的水可以帮助保持蔬菜的颜色)
5. Acidulating milk can help prevent spoilage.(使牛奶酸化可以防止变质)
6. The winemaker acidulated the wine to balance its sweetness.(酿酒师在酒中加入酸性物质以平衡它的甜度)
7. Acidulating the soil can make it more suitable for certain plants.(酸化土壤可以使其更适合某些植物)
8. The chef acidulated the sauce with vinegar and sugar.(厨师用醋和糖来使酱汁变酸)
9. Some pickles are acidulated with vinegar, while others use citric acid.(一些腌制食品用醋酸化,而其他则使用柠檬酸)