'Tylenchorhynchus dubius'并不是任何一种语言的单词,而是生物学中的一个物种名称,属于线虫科中的一种。它分布在全球各地,主要生活在土壤中,对作物的病害有很大的危害。
以下是9个含有'Tylenchorhynchus dubius'的例句:
1. Tylenchorhynchus dubius is a soil nematode that is economically important in many agricultural areas.
(Tylenchorhynchus dubius是一种土壤线虫,对许多农业区域具有重要的经济意义。)
2. Study on the biology and ecology of Tylenchorhynchus dubius in China.
(中国Tylenchorhynchus dubius的生物学和生态学研究。)
3. The pathogenicity and control measures of Tylenchorhynchus dubius in vegetable crops.
(蔬菜作物中Tylenchorhynchus dubius的致病力和控制措施。)
4. Quantitative and qualitative composition of Tylenchorhynchus dubius populations in different areas of the Ukraine.
(乌克兰不同地区Tylenchorhynchus dubius种群的定量和定性组成。)
5. Tylenchorhynchus dubius in the rhizosphere of field bean in some areas of Bulgaria.
(保加利亚一些地区菜豆根际中的Tylenchorhynchus dubius。)
6. The efficacy of chemical control of Tylenchorhynchus dubius in tomato fields in Tunisia.
(突尼斯番茄田中化学控制Tylenchorhynchus dubius的效力。)
7. The use of entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of Tylenchorhynchus dubius in banana fields in Ecuador.
(厄瓜多尔香蕉田中利用昆虫病原线虫控制Tylenchorhynchus dubius。)
8. Seasonal fluctuations of the density of Tylenchorhynchus dubius in the rhizosphere of wheat in India.
(印度小麦根际中Tylenchorhynchus dubius密度的季节性波动。)
9. Study on the morphology of Tylenchorhynchus dubius under electron microscopy in Brazil.
(巴西Tylenchorhynchus dubius在电镜下的形态学研究。)