1. I like the sound of the flautin in this particular piece of music.(我喜欢这个特定乐曲中flautin的声音。)
2. The flautin player was the highlight of the concert.(演奏flautin的乐手是音乐会的亮点。)
3. She began playing the flautin at the age of nine.(她xx岁开始学习演奏flautin。)
4. The song features a beautiful melody played on the flautin.(这首歌有一段美丽的旋律,是用flautin演奏的。)
5. The flautin blends well with the rest of the orchestra.(flautin与整个管弦乐队的音色相融合。)
6. He struggled to play the high notes on the flautin.(他在演奏flautin高音时遇到了困难。)
7. The composer specifically wrote the piece for flautin and piano.(作曲家专门为flautin和钢琴谱写了这首曲子。)
8. The flautinist practiced for hours to perfect his technique.(flautin演奏家练习了几个小时以完善自己的技巧。)
9. The flautin part is particularly challenging in this orchestra arrangement.(在这个管弦乐编曲中,flautin的部分尤其具有挑战性。)