Ceratotherium simum是什么意思 Ceratotherium simum的读音、翻译、用法

Ceratotherium simum是什么意思 Ceratotherium simum的读音、翻译、用法

'Ceratotherium simum'是拉丁语,意为“单角犀牛”。它是犀牛科中最大的物种之一,分布于非洲南部和中部地区。它通常有两个角,但有时只有一个角,所以又称单角犀牛。'Ceratotherium simum'是一种濒危动物,受到非法猎杀和栖息地丧失的威胁。

以下是含有'Ceratotherium simum'的9个例句,使用英语,并带有中文翻译:

1. The population of Ceratotherium simum is declining rapidly due to poaching. 犀牛的数量由于偷猎而迅速减少。

2. Ceratotherium simum is herbivorous and eats mainly grasses. 单角犀牛是草食性动物,主要吃草。

3. There are two subspecies of Ceratotherium simum, namely the southern white rhinoceros and the northern white rhinoceros. 单角犀牛有两个亚种,即南部白犀牛和北部白犀牛。

4. Ceratotherium simum has a massive body and can weigh up to 2,300 kilograms. 单角犀牛体型庞大,体重可达2,300千克。

5. The horns of Ceratotherium simum are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, leading to illegal poaching. 单角犀牛的角在中药中有很高的价值,导致非法偷猎。

6. The IUCN Red List classifies Ceratotherium simum as near threatened. 国际自然保护联盟红色名录将单角犀牛列为近危物种。

7. Ceratotherium simum is an important keystone species that helps maintain the balance of African ecosystems. 单角犀牛是维护非洲生态平衡的重要关键物种。

8. Many conservation efforts have been made to protect Ceratotherium simum from poaching and habitat loss. 许多保护工作已经展开,以保护单角犀牛免受偷猎和栖息地丧失的威胁。

9. In the wild, Ceratotherium simum can live up to 50 years. 在野外,单角犀牛可以生存达xx年之久。

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