1. 随着城市规模的不断扩大,荒川的生态环境面临着很大的挑战。(As the city continues to expand, the ecosystem of Arakawa is facing significant challenges.)
2. 荒川的河畔是观赏樱花的绝佳去处。(The riverside of Arakawa is a great place to view cherry blossoms.)
3. 荒川的河底有很多遗失的宝藏。(There are many lost treasures at the bottom of Arakawa.)
4. 自然灾害给荒川的生态造成了很大的影响。(Natural disasters have had a significant impact on the ecology of Arakawa.)
5. 荒川流域的水资源正在逐渐短缺。(Water resources in the Arakawa basin are gradually becoming scarce.)
6. xx年一度的“荒川清流节”是东京的重要文化盛事之一。(The annual Arakawa Clean Stream Festival is one of Tokyo's important cultural events.)
7. 经过多年的整治,荒川的水质得到了很大的改善。(After many years of improvement, the water quality of Arakawa has been greatly improved.)
8. 荒川上有一座著名的令和桥,这是东京地标之一。(There is a famous Reiwa Bridge on Arakawa, which is one of the landmarks of Tokyo.)
9. 荒川的周边有很多历史悠久的寺庙和神社。(There are many historic temples and shrines around Arakawa.)