Ardeotis kori是什么意思 Ardeotis kori的读音、翻译、用法

Ardeotis kori是什么意思 Ardeotis kori的读音、翻译、用法

'Ardeotis kori'是英文,翻译成中文是“科氏鸨”。



1. The Ardeotis kori is the heaviest flying bird in Africa.(科氏鸨是非洲最重的飞鸟。)

2. Ardeotis kori is also known as the Kori Bustard.(科氏鸨也被称为科氏大鸨。)

3. The male Ardeotis kori has a striking black and white plumage.(雄性科氏鸨具有醒目的黑白羽色。)

4. The Ardeotis kori is a ground-dwelling bird, spending most of its time on the ground.(科氏鸨是一种地栖鸟类,大部分时间都在地面上。)

5. Ardeotis kori has a distinctive mating ritual where the male inflates his throat sac and struts around the female.(科氏鸨有独特的交配仪式,雄鸟会鼓起喉囊,在雌鸟周围昂首阔步。)

6. The Ardeotis kori is known for its slow, deliberate movements while foraging.(科氏鸨以缓慢、有目的的觅食方式而著名。)

7. During the breeding season, the male Ardeotis kori may make booming calls to attract a mate.(繁殖季节,雄性科氏鸨可能会发出低沉的呼声来吸引异性。)

8. Ardeotis kori is listed as near-threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.(由于栖息地丧失和捕猎,科氏鸨被列为近危物种。)

9. The Ardeotis kori is a popular subject for wildlife photographers due to its striking appearance and unique behavior.(由于其鲜明的外观和独特的行为,科氏鸨是野生动物摄影师的热门主题。)

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