这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为“广额毛鼻袋兽”。Lasiorhinus latifrons是一种濒危的澳大利亚本土动物,属于袋熊科,也称为“毛鼻袋熊”。
以下是9个含有Lasiorhinus latifrons的例句:
1. Lasiorhinus latifrons是澳大利亚濒危动物之一,数量逐渐减少。
(Lasiorhinus latifrons is one of the endangered animals in Australia, and their numbers are decreasing.)
2. 这只Lasiorhinus latifrons被送往野生动物护理中心接受治疗。
(This Lasiorhinus latifrons was taken to a wildlife care center for treatment.)
3. 参观者在野生动物园里看到了Lasiorhinus latifrons的展示。
(Visitors saw the display of Lasiorhinus latifrons in the wildlife park.)
4. 据报道,Lasiorhinus latifrons只能在澳大利亚东南部的一些地区发现。
(According to reports, Lasiorhinus latifrons can only be found in some regions in southeastern Australia.)
5. Lasiorhinus latifrons是一种植食性动物,以树叶、植物茎和树皮为食。
(Lasiorhinus latifrons is a herbivorous animal that feeds on leaves, plant stems, and tree bark.)
6. 澳大利亚政府采取了一些措施来保护Lasiorhinus latifrons的种群。
(The Australian government has taken measures to protect the population of Lasiorhinus latifrons.)
7. Lasiorhinus latifrons的头部有大量的毛发,给人们留下了深刻的印象。
(The large amount of hair on the head of Lasiorhinus latifrons left a deep impression on people.)
8. Lasiorhinus latifrons已经被列为濒危物种,需要更多的人们来关注保护它们。
(Lasiorhinus latifrons has been listed as an endangered species, and more people are needed to pay attention to their protection.)
9. Lasiorhinus latifrons在澳大利亚原住民文化中有着特殊的象征意义。
(Lasiorhinus latifrons has a special symbolic meaning in the culture of Australian indigenous peoples.)