barbital是什么意思 barbital的读音、翻译、用法

barbital是什么意思 barbital的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'barbital'是英国的词语。

2. 'barbital'的中文翻译是巴比妥。

3. 巴比妥是一种中枢神经系统抑制剂类药物,用于治疗不安、焦虑、失眠等症状。它通过增强神经系统的抑制作用来减轻这些症状。

4. 这些例句中,巴比妥通常用于指治疗失眠症状。

1. I took a barbital before going to bed to help me sleep.(我睡觉前吃了巴比妥来帮助我入睡。)

2. Some people become addicted to barbital after using it for a long time.(有些人长期使用巴比妥后会对它上瘾。)

3. Doctors often prescribe barbital to patients who have trouble sleeping.(医生经常给睡眠困难的患者开巴比妥。)

4. Barbital can cause drowsiness and dizziness, so it should not be taken before driving or operating heavy machinery.(巴比妥会引起嗜睡和头晕,因此不应在开车或操作重型机械前服用。)

5. It is important to only take barbital as directed by a doctor, as it can be dangerous if taken improperly.(必须按照医生的指导正确使用巴比妥,否则会有危险。)

6. Barbital should not be taken with alcohol or other sedatives, as this can increase the risk of side effects.(巴比妥不应与酒精或其他镇静剂一起使用,因为这会增加副作用的风险。)

7. Some people may experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking barbital suddenly, so it is important to gradually reduce the dosage under a doctor's supervision.(一些人如果突然停止使用巴比妥可能会出现戒断症状,因此在医生的监督下逐渐减少剂量非常重要。)

8. Barbital can be addictive if taken for a long period of time, so it should not be used as a long-term solution for sleep problems.(长期使用巴比妥会产生成瘾性,因此不应将其用作长期解决睡眠问题的方法。)

9. Pregnant women should avoid taking barbital, as it can cause harm to the developing fetus.(孕妇应避免服用巴比妥,因为它会对正在发育的胎儿造成伤害。)

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