1. I have found some Lyctus beetles in my wooden furniture.(我在我的木制家具中发现了一些啮木甲虫。)
2. Lyctus beetles can cause severe damage to wooden structures.(啮木甲虫可以对木质结构造成严重的损害。)
3. The Lyctus beetle larvae can bore deep into wood to feed.(啮木甲虫幼虫可以深入木材中取食。)
4. Lyctus beetles are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.(啮木甲虫常见于热带和亚热带地区。)
5. A Lyctus beetle infestation can be difficult to eradicate.(啮木甲虫的感染很难被根除。)
6. The Lyctus beetle is known for its destructive impact on wooden artifacts.(啮木甲虫以对木质工艺品的破坏性影响而闻名。)
7. Lyctus beetles can tunnel through hardwoods such as oak and mahogany.(啮木甲虫可以在橡木和桃花心木等硬木中穿隧。)
8. Wooden beams infested with Lyctus beetles can weaken and eventually collapse.(感染啮木甲虫的木梁可能会变得虚弱并最终崩塌。)
9. Regular inspections and treatments can help prevent Lyctus beetle damage.(定期检查和处理可以帮助预防啮木甲虫造成的损害。)