Le Corbusier是什么意思 Le Corbusier的读音、翻译、用法

Le Corbusier是什么意思 Le Corbusier的读音、翻译、用法

'Le Corbusier'是法语,翻译为“勒·柯布西耶”,是20世纪著名的瑞士法国建筑师、城市规划师、画家、雕塑家、家具设计师和作家。他的真名是夏尔·艾德华·让内·吉安内蒂,他对建筑和城市规划的影响非常深远,被誉为现代建筑和城市规划运动的先锋和重要人物。


1. Le Corbusier的建筑风格非常独特,创新性强。

Translation: Le Corbusier's architectural style is very unique and innovative.

2. Le Corbusier是现代建筑史上最重要的人物之一。

Translation: Le Corbusier is one of the most important figures in the history of modern architecture.

3. Le Corbusier善于运用钢筋混凝土的技术进行建筑设计。

Translation: Le Corbusier was skilled in using reinforced concrete techniques for architectural design.

4. Le Corbusier的家具设计也颇具特色,受到许多人的喜爱。

Translation: Le Corbusier's furniture design is also very distinctive and loved by many people.

5. Le Corbusier的城市规划理念对当代城市规划产生了很大的影响。

Translation: Le Corbusier's urban planning ideas have had a great influence on contemporary urban planning.

6. Le Corbusier曾设计许多著名的建筑物,如位于法国的圣母院丘陵为代表的建筑作品。

Translation: Le Corbusier designed many famous buildings, such as the building works represented by the Notre Dame du Haut in France.

7. Le Corbusier的设计风格深受许多建筑师的追捧和模仿。

Translation: Le Corbusier's design style has been widely sought after and imitated by many architects.

8. Le Corbusier的建筑理念在建筑史上具有重要地位。

Translation: Le Corbusier's architectural ideas have an important position in architectural history.

9. Le Corbusier的设计理念强调结构和功能的一致性,这也成为了他的建筑风格的重要特征之一。

Translation: Le Corbusier's design philosophy emphasizes the consistency of structure and function, which has also become an important feature of his architectural style.

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