John Conway是英国的词语,翻译为约翰·康威。他是一位著名的数学家,开发了许多著名的数学游戏与理论,包括康威生命游戏、康威定律等等。
以下是9个含有John Conway的例句:
1. John Conway 是一位著名的英国数学家,他开发了许多数学游戏。
(John Conway is a famous British mathematician who developed many mathematical games.)
2. 康威生命游戏是由John Conway发明的,是一种运用细胞自动机原理的数学游戏。
(The Game of Life was invented by John Conway, and is a mathematical game that uses the principles of cellular automata.)
3. John Conway在xx年发明了康威定律,描述了一种在计算机方式下构建的数学模型。
(John Conway invented Conway's Law in 1969, which describes a mathematical model constructed in a computer-based manner.)
4. John Conway曾获得了很多数学奖项与荣誉,包括沃尔夫奖。
(John Conway has received numerous mathematical awards and honors, including the Wolf Prize.)
5. John Conway的许多数学理论或游戏都被广泛应用于计算机科学领域。
(Many of John Conway's mathematical theories or games have been widely applied in the field of computer science.)
6. John Conway是一位爱好哲学的数学家,他认为哲学和数学有着紧密的联系。
(John Conway is a mathematician who is interested in philosophy, and believes that philosophy and mathematics are closely related.)
7. John Conway的研究领域包括组合数学、代数学、几何学等多个领域。
(John Conway's research areas include combinatorial mathematics, algebra, geometry, and many other fields.)
8. John Conway被认为是数学界的天才之一,他的研究成果在数学史上占有重要地位。
(John Conway is considered as one of the geniuses in the field of mathematics, and his research achievements have an important place in the history of mathematics.)
9. John Conway的影响力不仅限于数学领域,他还影响了多个跨学科领域的发展。
(John Conway's influence is not limited to the field of mathematics, and he also has an impact on the development of many interdisciplinary fields.)