'Opius concolor'这个词语来源于拉丁语,是一种寄生蜂。它生活在许多植物上,可以寄生在其他昆虫身上,并以它们为食。
含有'Opius concolor'的例句:
1. Opius concolor 是一种高度适应的寄生蜂,其在不同环境中都能繁殖成功。(英文:Opius concolor is a highly adaptable parasitoid wasp, and it can successfully reproduce in different environments.)
2. Opius concolor 通常会寄生在某些田间害虫上,以控制害虫数量。(英文:Opius concolor commonly parasitizes certain pest insects to control their populations.)
3. Opius concolor 在人工控制害虫方面很有潜力。(英文:Opius concolor has great potential for use in artificial pest control.)
4. 这个品种的 Opius concolor 只在南美洲的某些地区发现。(英文:This variety of Opius concolor is only found in certain areas of South America.)
5. Opius concolor 在昆虫学研究中很受关注。(英文:Opius concolor is of great interest in entomological research.)
6. Opius concolor 可以对农作物的产量和质量产生重大影响。(英文:Opius concolor can have a significant impact on the yield and quality of crops.)
7. Opius concolor 的繁殖和行为机制是研究的重点。(英文:The reproductive and behavioral mechanisms of Opius concolor are a major focus of research.)
8. 在某些地区,Opius concolor 被当作一种有用的生物防治工具。(英文:In certain areas, Opius concolor is regarded as a useful tool for biological pest control.)
9. Opius concolor 在寄生其他昆虫的同时也会受到其他寄生虫的攻击。(英文:Opius concolor is also attacked by other parasites while parasitizing other insects.)