superficial是什么意思 superficial的读音、翻译、用法

superficial是什么意思 superficial的读音、翻译、用法




1. His understanding of the subject was superficial, which was reflected in his poor grades.(他对这门学科的理解很肤浅,这也反映在他糟糕的成绩上。)

2. The painting may look superficially simple, but it actually has a lot of depth and meaning.(这幅画表面看起来很简单,但实际上有很多深度和含义。)

3. She always wears superficial makeup, but never really takes care of her skin.(她总是涂一些肤浅的化妆品,但从来不真正照顾她的皮肤。)

4. The reporter's superficial investigation failed to uncover the truth behind the scandal.(记者的肤浅调查未能揭露丑闻背后的真相。)

5. He had a superficial understanding of the language, but could not carry on a conversation.(他对这种语言有肤浅的了解,但不会进行对话。)

6. The movie had a superficial plot, relying heavily on special effects to impress the audience.(这部电影情节肤浅,依赖于特效来吸引观众。)

7. She thought his compliments were superficial and insincere.(她认为他的赞美是肤浅和不真诚的。)

8. The company's superficial attempts to address the problem left the employees feeling unsatisfied.(公司肤浅的尝试解决问题让员工感到不满意。)

9. Her superficial charm and beauty attracted many suitors, but they soon realized she had little substance.(她肤浅的魅力和美貌吸引了许多追求者,但很快他们意识到她并没有什么内涵。)

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