Fregatidae是什么意思 Fregatidae的读音、翻译、用法

Fregatidae是什么意思 Fregatidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Fregatidae family includes some of the largest seabirds on Earth. (巨鹰鸟科家族包括地球上最大的几种海鸟。)

2. The Fregatidae species are known for their impressive aerial acrobatics. (巨鹰鸟科物种以其令人印象深刻的空中杂技而闻名。)

3. The Fregatidae birds have a unique way of hunting, using their long wings to glide over the ocean surface. (巨鹰鸟科鸟类有一种独特的狩猎方式,利用其长翅膀在海面上滑翔。)

4. The Fregatidae species are sometimes called "man-o'-war birds" because of their association with the Portuguese Man o' War jellyfish. (巨鹰鸟科物种有时被称为“水母鸟”,因为它们与葡萄牙水母有关。)

5. Fregatidae birds are often spotted soaring over the open ocean, searching for food. (巨鹰鸟科鸟类经常在开阔的海洋上盘旋,寻找食物。)

6. The Fregatidae family includes both Frigatebirds and Tropicbirds. (巨鹰鸟科家族包括冠海鹰和热带鸟等。)

7. The Fregatidae birds have a wingspan of up to 2.3 meters, making them impressive to watch in flight. (巨鹰鸟科鸟类的翼展可达2.3米,使它们在飞行中显得令人印象深刻。)

8. Fregatidae birds are known for their ability to stay aloft for long periods of time, sometimes even for days on end. (巨鹰鸟科鸟类以其长时间保持高空飞行的能力而闻名,有时甚至连续多日。)

9. Fregatidae birds have been observed stealing food from other seabirds, using their speed and maneuverability to outmaneuver their rivals. (巨鹰鸟科鸟类被观察到从其他海鸟那里偷食物,利用其速度和机动性战胜竞争对手。)

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