1. Jeffrey Sachs是一个美国经济学家,著名的社会学者和公共政策制定者。
2. 常见翻译:杰弗里·萨克斯
3. 用法:该词通常指代美国经济学家和社会学者杰弗里·萨克斯,也可用于形容萨克斯所提倡的经济和发展理论。
4. 例句:
- Jeffrey Sachs是一位享有盛誉的经济学家,他为世界各地的政治领袖提供了有关可持续发展和减贫的意见和建议。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs is a renowned economist who has provided advice and recommendations on sustainable development and poverty reduction to political leaders around the world.)
- Jeffrey Sachs认为,通过实施高效的各种政策措施,可以实现可持续的经济增长和减少贫困。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs believes that sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction can be achieved through the implementation of effective policy measures.)
- Jeffrey Sachs在其著作中探讨了许多有关全球化和经济发展的问题。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs explores many issues related to globalization and economic development in his writings.)
- Jeffrey Sachs的理论受到了许多国际组织和政府的认可和采纳。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs's theories have been recognized and adopted by many international organizations and governments.)
- Jeffrey Sachs对全球经济和发展问题的研究已经取得了显著进展。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs's research on global economic and development issues has made significant progress.)
- Jeffrey Sachs的杰出贡献使他成为了一个备受尊敬的人物。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs's outstanding contributions have made him a highly respected figure.)
- Jeffrey Sachs在世界各地的会议和研讨会上发表了许多演讲,吸引了广泛的关注。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs has given many speeches at conferences and seminars around the world, attracting widespread attention.)
- Jeffrey Sachs的工作重点是促进可持续发展和减少贫困,这与联合国的目标完全一致。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs's work focuses on promoting sustainable development and reducing poverty, which is fully in line with the United Nations' goals.)
- Jeffrey Sachs的研究为政策制定者提供了有关全球经济和可持续发展的重要建议。(英语翻译:Jeffrey Sachs's research provides important advice on global economics and sustainable development for policymakers.)