1. If you don't want to receive marketing emails from us, you can opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.(如果您不希望收到我们的营销邮件,您可以点击邮件底部的取消订阅按钮进行选择退出。)
2. The company offers an opt-out option for users who do not want their personal information shared with third parties.(公司为那些不愿意与第三方分享个人信息的用户提供了选择退出的选项。)
3. The school district allows parents to opt-out of having their child's information shared with outside organizations.(该学区允许家长选择退出,不让他们孩子的信息被分享给外部组织。)
4. It's important to read the fine print and understand the terms before deciding whether to opt-out of a particular service.(在决定是否选择退出某项服务之前,阅读条款并理解其中的规定非常重要。)
5. Some websites automatically opt users into receiving promotional emails, but provide an opt-out option in the user's account settings.(一些网站会自动将用户设置为接收促销邮件,但会在用户账户设置中提供选择退出的选项。)
6. Patients have the right to opt-out of certain medical procedures if they feel uncomfortable or have concerns about the risks involved.(患者有权选择退出某些医疗程序,如果他们感到不适或对涉及风险有顾虑。)
7. The government is considering offering an opt-out option for citizens who do not want to have their personal data collected by surveillance cameras.(政府正在考虑为不希望其个人数据被监视摄像头收集的公民提供选择退出的选项。)
8. Some apps require users to opt-out of data-sharing rather than opting in, which can be confusing and frustrating for users.(一些应用程序要求用户选择退出数据共享,而不是选择加入,这可能会让用户感到困惑和沮丧。)
9. The opt-out rate for the company's email newsletter has been steadily increasing, indicating a growing disinterest among subscribers.(该公司电子通讯的选择退出率已经稳步上升,表明订阅者之间的兴趣越来越少。)