1. The Sphenophorus venatus vestitus is a major pest of sugarcane in Mexico. (墨西哥的Sphenophorus venatus vestitus是甘蔗的主要害虫。)
2. The larvae of Sphenophorus australis feed on the roots of maize plants. (Sphenophorus australis的幼虫以玉米植物的根为食。)
3. Sphenophorus major is a serious pest of rice in Thailand. (Sphenophorus major是泰国稻米的严重害虫。)
4. The adults of Sphenophorus parvulus are known to feed on the stems of soybean plants. (Sphenophorus parvulus的成虫以大豆植物的茎为食。)
5. The Sphenophorus decipiens is a pest of many grasses in the United States. (Sphenophorus decipiens是美国多种草的害虫。)
6. The larvae of Sphenophorus ochreus cause significant damage to turf grass in Canada. (Sphenophorus ochreus的幼虫对加拿大的草坪草造成了重大损害。)
7. Sphenophorus parvulus has been detected as a pest of sorghum in Brazil. (Sphenophorus parvulus已被发现是巴西高粱的害虫。)
8. The Sphenophorus levis is a pest of sugarcane in Australia. (Sphenophorus levis是澳大利亚甘蔗的害虫。)
9. The damage caused by Sphenophorus parvulus can lead to significant yield losses in maize crops in Argentina.(Sphenophorus parvulus造成的损害会导致阿根廷玉米作物的重大产量损失。)