Shariputra 是梵语词汇,是佛教经史中的人物名字。其中,“Shar”意为蛇(也可解释为智慧),“iputra”意为儿子,合在一起就是指“蛇之子”,是佛教故事中的一个人物。
1. Shariputra被比丘们称为“智慧之子”。
Shariputra is known as the "son of wisdom" among monks.
2. 在舍利弗的领导下,比丘们禅修着。
Under the guidance of Shariputra, the monks meditated.
3. Shariputra教导我们如何远离痛苦和烦恼。
Shariputra taught us how to rid ourselves of suffering and affliction.
4. 舍利弗和目犍连是佛陀最敬爱的两个弟子之一。
Shariputra and Maudgalyayana were two of the most beloved disciples of Buddha.
5. Shariputra在释迦牟尼的建议下,成为了比丘的领袖。
Shariputra became the leader of the monks on the advice of Buddha.
6. 舍利弗的教导让我更好地理解了佛法。
The teachings of Shariputra helped me better understand Buddhism.
7. Shariputra 善于探究佛法,被称为智慧之子。
Shariputra was known as the son of wisdom for his skillful exploration of Buddhism.
8. 舍利弗和摩诃迦叶是佛门中最卓越的两位弟子之一。
Shariputra and Maha Kashyapa were two of the most eminent disciples of Buddha.
9. 通过学习 Shariputra 的教导,我明白了如何转化我的烦恼。
Through the teachings of Shariputra, I learned how to transform my afflictions.