'Control rebar'是英国词语,中文翻译为“控制钢筋”。这个词语通常被用来描述在混凝土结构中使用的钢筋。控制钢筋通常被放置在混凝土结构的关键部位,以确保结构的强度和稳定性。
以下是9个包含'control rebar'的例句:
1. The engineer added more control rebar to the foundation to ensure it would withstand seismic activity. (工程师在基础中增加了更多控制钢筋,以确保其能够承受地震活动。)
2. The contractor carefully placed control rebar throughout the columns to prevent them from collapsing under pressure. (承包商在柱子中仔细放置控制钢筋,防止它们在承受压力时倒塌。)
3. The construction manager inspected the control rebar to make sure it met the specifications outlined in the plans. (建设经理检查了控制钢筋,确保它符合计划中规定的规格。)
4. The inspector noted that there was a lack of control rebar in the foundation and recommended that it be added for extra support. (检查员注意到基础中缺乏控制钢筋,并建议添加额外支撑。)
5. The engineer decided to use a thicker type of control rebar to strengthen the beams. (工程师决定使用更厚的控制钢筋来加强梁。)
6. The construction team had to remove some of the concrete in order to install the control rebar. (建设团队必须移除一些混凝土才能安装控制钢筋。)
7. The control rebar was painted red to make it easier to spot during inspections. (控制钢筋被涂成红色,以便在检查时更容易发现。)
8. The contractor had to be careful not to disrupt the control rebar while pouring the concrete. (承包商在浇注混凝土时必须小心,以免破坏控制钢筋。)
9. The engineer recommended using more control rebar in the corners of the building to prevent cracks from forming. (工程师建议在建筑物的角落使用更多的控制钢筋,以防止裂缝的形成。)