Enola Gay是什么意思 Enola Gay的读音、翻译、用法

Enola Gay是什么意思 Enola Gay的读音、翻译、用法

'Enola Gay'是英语,可以翻译为“伊诺拉盖伊”。

Enola Gay是一架美国B-29轰炸机,它在xx年xx月xx日投下了世界上第一枚原子弹“小男孩”于日本广岛市,并导致了10万以上的人员死亡。这个词语通常用来描述这个历史事件。

以下是含有Enola Gay的9个例句:

1. The Enola Gay was the aircraft that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.(Enola Gay就是在广岛投下原子弹的飞机。)

2. The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has a restored Enola Gay on display.(史密森国家航空航天博物馆展示了一架修复后的Enola Gay。)

3. Enola Gay pilot Paul Tibbets passed away in 2007 at the age of 92.(Enola Gay的飞行员保罗·蒂巴茨于xx年去世,享年xx岁。)

4. The Enola Gay mission signaled the beginning of the end of World War II.(Enola Gay任务标志着第二次世界大战的结束开始。)

5. Many people believe that the Enola Gay bombing was a war crime.(许多人认为Enola Gay轰炸是一种战争罪行。)

6. There is controversy surrounding the Enola Gay exhibit at the Smithsonian.(史密森展出的Enola Gay展品引起了争议。)

7. The Enola Gay crew knew the risks involved in their mission.(Enola Gay机组人员知道他们使命的风险。)

8. The Enola Gay bombing led to Japan's surrender and the end of the war.(Enola Gay轰炸导致了日本的投降和战争的结束。)

9. The Enola Gay is a famous symbol of the destructive power of nuclear weapons.(Enola Gay是核武器破坏性力量的著名象征。)

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