Synaphobranchidae是什么意思 Synaphobranchidae的读音、翻译、用法

Synaphobranchidae是什么意思 Synaphobranchidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. Leptocephalus(合颌鳗科幼鱼)的生活历程非常神奇。

The life cycle of Leptocephalus (larvae of the Synaphobranchidae family) is amazing.

2. 最近,合颌鳗科的新物种被发现。

Recently, a new species of Synaphobranchidae family was discovered.

3. 这种鱼属于合颌鳗科。

This fish belongs to the Synaphobranchidae family.

4. 合颌鳗科有着一些独特的特征。

The Synaphobranchidae family has some unique characteristics.

5. 合颌鳗科中的某些物种可以长达2米。

Some species in the Synaphobranchidae family can grow up to 2 meters long.

6. 合颌鳗科生活在深海中。

The Synaphobranchidae family lives in the deep sea.

7. 合颌鳗科有很多种。

There are many species in the Synaphobranchidae family.

8. 这个鱼类科的名字合颌鳗科来自于什么What is the origin of the name Synaphobranchidae?

9. 合颌鳗科的食物主要是什么What is the main food of the Synaphobranchidae family?

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