Everolimus是什么意思 Everolimus的读音、翻译、用法

Everolimus是什么意思 Everolimus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The patient was prescribed everolimus to prevent organ rejection.(该患者被开了依维莫司以预防器官排斥。)

2. Everolimus has been shown to be effective in treating advanced renal cell carcinoma.(研究表明,依维莫司在治疗晚期肾细胞癌中有效。)

3. Some common side effects of everolimus include nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.(依维莫司的一些常见副作用包括恶心、腹泻和疲劳。)

4. The dosage of everolimus may need to be adjusted based on the patient's age and weight.(依维莫司的剂量可能需要根据患者的年龄和体重进行调整。)

5. Everolimus is a relatively new drug that was approved by the FDA in 2009.(依维莫司是一种相对较新的药物,已于xx年获得FDA批准。)

6. Everolimus is also known by its brand name Afinitor.(依维莫司也被称为其品牌名称Afinitor。)

7. The doctor explained the potential benefits and risks of taking everolimus to the patient.(医生向患者解释了服用依维莫司的潜在益处和风险。)

8. Everolimus can interact with other medications, so it is important to inform your doctor of any other drugs you are taking.(依维莫司可能与其他药物相互作用,因此告知医生您正在服用的其他药物非常重要。)

9. Everolimus can affect your immune system, so it is important to avoid exposure to infections while taking this medication.(依维莫司可能影响您的免疫系统,因此在服用此药物时避免接触感染非常重要。)

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