Spheniscus mendiculus是什么意思 Spheniscus mendiculus的读音、翻译、用法

Spheniscus mendiculus是什么意思 Spheniscus mendiculus的读音、翻译、用法

'Spheniscus mendiculus'是拉丁语,意思是“乞丐企鹅”。该名称源于乞丐企鹅的外观特征,包括黑色和白色的羽毛、小而圆的头和白色的眼圈。乞丐企鹅是一种仅在加拉帕戈斯群岛上发现的企鹅,并被认为是世界上最稀有的企鹅之一。

以下是九个包含'Spheniscus mendiculus'的例句:

1. Spheniscus mendiculus在加拉帕戈斯群岛上是一个非常受欢迎的旅游景点 - The 'Spheniscus mendiculus' is a very popular tourist attraction in the Galapagos Islands.

2. 乞丐企鹅是Spheniscus mendiculus的另一个名称 - The Galapagos penguin is another name for 'Spheniscus mendiculus'.

3. Spheniscus mendiculus是一种渐进性灭绝的物种,需要受到保护 - 'Spheniscus mendiculus' is an endangered species and needs to be protected.

4. 乞丐企鹅的饮食主要包括鱼类和虾 - The diet of the Galapagos penguin mainly consists of fish and shrimp.

5. 这只Spheniscus mendiculus是我在加拉帕戈斯群岛上旅行时拍摄的 - This 'Spheniscus mendiculus' was captured by me during my trip to the Galapagos Islands.

6. 乞丐企鹅通常在清晨和傍晚狩猎 - The Galapagos penguin usually hunts in the early morning and evening.

7. Spheniscus mendiculus是世界上体型最小的企鹅之一 - 'Spheniscus mendiculus' is one of the smallest penguins in the world.

8. 如果你想看到乞丐企鹅,请去加拉帕戈斯群岛 - If you want to see the Galapagos penguin, go to the Galapagos Islands.

9. 乞丐企鹅有时也被称为亚南极企鹅 - The Galapagos penguin is sometimes referred to as the sub-Antarctic penguin.

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