1. Brachiosauridae 是一种巨型恐龙,曾经生活在侏罗纪时期。
(“Brachiosauridae” is a type of giant dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period.)
2. 腕龙科是一类四肢相对较长的恐龙,拥有长脖子的特征。
(Brachiosauridae is a type of dinosaur with long necks and relatively long limbs.)
3. 腕龙属于草食性恐龙,可能以树叶和植物为食。
(Brachiosauridae were herbivorous dinosaurs, possibly feeding on leaves and plants.)
4. 如果你喜欢恐龙,那么你一定知道 Brachiosauridae。
(If you love dinosaurs, then you must know about Brachiosauridae.)
5. Brachiosauridae 的化石在全球范围内广泛分布。
(Fossils of Brachiosauridae are widely distributed around the world.)
6. 研究人员根据腕龙化石推断出它们的生活方式和行为习惯。
(Researchers infer the lifestyle and behavior of Brachiosauridae based on their fossils.)
7. 腕龙的长脖子可以使它们到达其他恐龙无法到达的食物。
(The long necks of Brachiosauridae allowed them to reach food that other dinosaurs couldn't reach.)
8. 腕龙科中最著名的物种是 Brachiosaurus。
(The most famous species of Brachiosauridae is Brachiosaurus.)
9. 腕龙科是恐龙界中最受欢迎的科之一。
(Brachiosauridae is one of the most popular dinosaur families.)