'Braula' 不是一种语言,而是一种昆虫的学名,中文翻译为“梅蛤蝗”。它属于虱目鱼虱科,是雌性寄生性昆虫,在蜜蜂体内寄生。
1. Braula 雌虫的身体形状像蛞蝓,通常长约 2 毫米。
(The female Braula has a body shape like a slug, usually about 2 millimeters long.)
2. Braula 案例显示,它通常寄生在蜜蜂的头部和胸部之间的毛发上。
(Cases of Braula have shown that it typically inhabits the hairs between the head and thorax of bees.)
3. Braula 通过吸食蜜蜂血液生存。
(Braula survives by feeding on the blood of bees.)
4. Braula 虫卵呈椭圆形,外壳的颜色是浅黄色的。
(The Braula egg is oval in shape and has a light yellow colored shell.)
5. Braula 雌虫会产下 5 到 11 枚卵。
(The female Braula will lay between 5 and 11 eggs.)
6. Braula 虫体表面有许多钩子,可以替它在蜜蜂体内固定。
(The surface of the Braula body is covered in many hooks that allow it to anchor itself within the body of the bee.)
7. Braula 在蜜蜂的体内繁殖和成长,直到成虫时才会离开蜜蜂体表。
(Braula reproduces and grows within the body of the bee until emerging as adults.)
8. Braula 寄生在蜜蜂身上通常不会造成太大的损害。
(Parasitism by Braula on bees usually causes little harm.)
9. Braula 在蜜蜂中的种群密度与环境和蜜蜂种群的健康状况有关。
(The population density of Braula within bees is related to environmental and bee population health factors.)