Dermestidae是什么意思 Dermestidae的读音、翻译、用法

Dermestidae是什么意思 Dermestidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Dermestidae family includes a number of species that are important decomposers in ecosystems. (皮甲科家族包括许多物种,它们是生态系统中重要的分解者。)

2. Dermestidae beetles are known for their ability to feed on animal carcasses, which helps clean up the environment. (皮甲科甲虫因其能够以动物尸体为食而闻名,这有助于清洁环境。)

3. The larvae of some Dermestidae species are pests that can damage stored animal products such as wool, leather, and feathers. (一些皮甲科物种的幼虫是害虫,可以损坏储存的动物产品,如羊毛、皮革和羽毛。)

4. Dermestidae beetles are also used by museums and taxidermists to clean animal skeletons and skulls for display. (博物馆和制偶师还使用皮甲科甲虫来清理用于展示的动物骨架和头骨。)

5. The Dermestidae family is found all over the world, and includes more than 800 species. (皮甲科家族分布在世界各地,包括800多个物种。)

6. Some Dermestidae larvae have been used in forensic entomology to help determine the time of death in a crime investigation. (一些皮甲科幼虫已经被用于法医昆虫学,以帮助确定犯罪调查中的死亡时间。)

7. Dermestidae beetles are attracted to light and can often be found in large numbers around porch lights or other outdoor light sources. (皮甲科甲虫被光吸引,并经常在门廊灯或其他户外光源周围大量出现。)

8. The Dermestidae family includes some species that are considered pests in the poultry industry, as they can infest chicken coops and feed on chicken feathers. (皮甲科家族包括一些在家禽业中被认为是害虫的物种,因为它们可以侵入鸡舍并吃鸡毛。)

9. The study of Dermestidae beetles is an important area of research in evolutionary biology, as they provide insight into the evolution of beetle morphology and ecology. (对皮甲科甲虫的研究是进化生物学中一个重要的研究领域,因为它们提供了关于甲虫形态和生态的进化见解。)

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