Tragelaphus是什么意思 Tragelaphus的读音、翻译、用法

Tragelaphus是什么意思 Tragelaphus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Tragelaphus species are easily identifiable by their spiral horns. (Tragelaphus物种容易通过它们的螺旋角辨认出来。)

2. Tragelaphus are known for their magnificent coats which vary in color from reddish-brown to dark brown. (Tragelaphus以其壮美的外衣而闻名,颜色从红棕色到深棕色不等。)

3. During the mating season, male Tragelaphus will compete for access to females. (在交配季节,雄性Tragelaphus会为接近雌性而竞争。)

4. Tragelaphus are herbivores and mainly feed on leaves, fruit, and buds. (Tragelaphus是草食动物,主要以叶子、水果和芽为食。)

5. The bongo, a type of Tragelaphus, is the largest forest-dwelling antelope species in Africa. (Bongo是一种Tragelaphus,是非洲最大的森林栖息羚羊物种。)

6. Tragelaphus can be found in a variety of habitats, from savannahs to dense forests. (Tragelaphus可以在各种栖息地中找到,从大草原到密林。)

7. The giant eland, a species of Tragelaphus, can weigh up to 1,000 kg. (巨型羚羊是Tragelaphus的一种物种,体重可达1,000公斤。)

8. Many Tragelaphus species are threatened by habitat loss and poaching. (许多Tragelaphus物种受到栖息地丧失和盗猎的威胁。)

9. Tragelaphus are often hunted for their meat and horns, which are used in traditional medicine and for decoration. (Tragelaphus常被猎杀,用于食用和制作传统药物及饰品的角。)

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