Lonsdaletita是什么意思 Lonsdaletita的读音、翻译、用法

Lonsdaletita是什么意思 Lonsdaletita的读音、翻译、用法

"Lonsdaleite" 这个词语源于英语,是指一种稀有的碳化物矿物,有时也被称为克拉滕伯格钻石。它的结构与钻石非常相似,但其晶体结构有所不同,因此具有与钻石不同的物理和化学性质。

以下是9个英语句子,其中包含有 "Lonsdaleite" 这个词语:

1. The rare mineral "Lonsdaleite" is named after the famous crystallographer Dame Kathleen Lonsdale.

(罕见的矿物 "Lonsdaleite" 是以著名的晶体学家凯瑟琳·朗斯代尔女爵士命名的。)

2. Lonsdaleite is an allotrope of carbon and is among the hardest materials known to man.

(Lonsdaleite 是碳的同素异形体,是人类已知的最硬的材料之一。)

3. The first natural occurrence of Lonsdaleite was found in Arizona in 1967.

(Lonsdaleite 的第一个自然存在地是xx年在亚利桑那州被发现的。)

4. The crystal structure of Lonsdaleite is hexagonal and is extremely difficult to synthesize.

(Lonsdaleite 的晶体结构呈六角形,极难合成。)

5. Some scientists believe that Lonsdaleite may have formed naturally during meteorite impacts on Earth.

(一些科学家认为,Lonsdaleite 可能在陨石撞击地球时自然形成。)

6. Lonsdaleite is sometimes called "hexagonal diamond" because of its similarity to diamond.

(由于与钻石相似,Lonsdaleite 有时被称为 "六角形钻石"。)

7. Lonsdaleite has unique electrical properties that make it potentially useful in electronic devices.

(Lonsdaleite 具有独特的电性能,可以在电子设备中发挥潜在的用途。)

8. The first synthetic Lonsdaleite was produced in a laboratory in 2008.

(xx年,实验室成功合成了第一种人造 Lonsdaleite。)

9. Due to its rarity and high value, Lonsdaleite is sometimes used in jewelry and other luxury goods.

(由于其稀有性和高价值,Lonsdaleite 有时被用于珠宝和其他奢侈品中。)

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