'ne varietur'是拉丁语词汇,翻译成中文的意思是“不变”。
在文学、法律等领域中,“ne varietur”通常用于表示文本或文件内容不应被修改或更改的事实。在某些国家的法律文件中,特别是在公证文件中,使用“ne varietur”意味着未经授权,不得进行任何修改。
以下是九个包含“ne varietur”的例句:
1. Id est "ne varietur" 意思是“不可改变”。
(拉丁语,中文翻译:That means "unmodified".)
2. Documentum legale est "ne varietur" quod ad norman legalem respondet.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:A legal document is "unmodified" if it meets the legal standard.)
3. Certificatum "ne varietur" esse debet posterius examinandum.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:The "unmodified" certificate must be reviewed later.)
4. Documentum "ne varietur" scriptum est et sub signo auctoritatis publicae confirmatur.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:The document is "unmodified" and confirmed under the signature of public authority.)
5. Acta "ne varietur" servanda sunt, hoc est quae scripta sunt, sic permanent.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:The minutes must be kept "unmodified", which means they remain the same as written.)
6. In documentis "ne varietur" autem debent esse signa, ut facile dispositio possit agnosci.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:In unmodified documents, there must be signs so that the arrangement can be easily recognized.)
7. Clausula "ne varietur" intra processum, significat, ut neque addi neque subtrahi possit.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:The clause "unmodified" in the process means that nothing can be added or subtracted.)
8. Ipse "ne varietur" propria manu signauit hunc libross.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:He signed this book "unmodified" with his own hand.)
9. Testimonium hoc "ne varietur" in periculi forma scriptum est.
(拉丁语,中文翻译:This testimony is written in "unmodified" form in the form of danger.)