1. Progeria患者的寿命很短,一般只能活到xx岁左右。(英文原文:Patients with progeria have a short life expectancy, usually only around 13 years old.)
2. 这项研究旨在寻找治疗Progeria的新方法。(英文原文:This study aims to find new methods to treat progeria.)
3. Progeria的发病率非常低,每100万人中只有一个。(英文原文:The incidence of progeria is very low, only one in a million people.)
4. Progeria是一种难以治疗的疾病,但我们仍然要为患者带来更多的希望。(英文原文:Progeria is a difficult to treat disease, but we still need to bring more hope to patients.)
5. Progeria患者需要长时间的医疗护理和生活照顾。(英文原文:Patients with progeria require long-term medical care and life assistance.)
6. 许多人对Progeria这种疾病并不了解。(英文原文:Many people are not familiar with progeria.)
7. Progeria的遗传方式是自发突变型的。(英文原文:The genetic mode of progeria is spontaneous mutation type.)
8. 目前,全球已经报告了几百个Progeria患者。(英文原文:Currently, several hundred progeria patients have been reported worldwide.)
9. 患者和家人都需要了解如何应对Progeria带来的挑战。(英文原文:Patients and their families need to understand how to cope with the challenges of progeria.)