1. Connaraceae是一种常见的树木科。
The Connaraceae is a common family of trees.
2. Connaraceae的果实很美味,是当地人的主食。
The fruits of the Connaraceae are delicious and the main food for local people.
3. 我们在热带雨林中看到了很多Connaraceae。
We saw many Connaraceae trees in the tropical rainforest.
4. Connaraceae属于重要的林木种类,有很大的经济价值。
The Connaraceae is an important timber species, with significant economic value.
5. Connaraceae植物的树皮可以用来制作药物。
The bark of Connaraceae plants can be used to make medicine.
6. 我们在非洲看到了很多Connaraceae植物。
We saw many Connaraceae plants in Africa.
7. Connaraceae植物的树叶是很好的饲料。
The leaves of Connaraceae plants are good for animal feed.
8. 这个国家的国花是Connaraceae树。
The national tree of this country is the Connaraceae.
9. Connaraceae科的植物是热带雨林生态系统的重要组成部分。
Plants of the Connaraceae family are a significant component of tropical rainforest ecosystems.