'familia hymenophylaceas'是拉丁语,中文翻译是“膜蕨科”。膜蕨科是小型的蕨类植物科,分布在全球的热带和亚热带地区,一般生长在阴湿的环境中,包括森林、湿地、峭壁和瀑布旁等地。
以下是9个含有'familia hymenophylaceas'的例句:
1. Familia hymenophylaceas是一种小型蕨类植物科。
('familia hymenophylaceas' is a small family of ferns.)
2. 在巴西,有许多膜蕨科植物生长在亚马逊河流域的热带雨林中。
(In Brazil, many Hymenophyllaceae plants grow in the tropical rainforests of the Amazon basin.)
3. 有些膜蕨科植物在危地马拉的高山地区生长。
(Some Hymenophyllaceae plants grow in the high mountainous regions of Guatemala.)
4. 膜蕨科植物的叶子非常薄,通常只有一个细胞厚。
(The leaves of Hymenophyllaceae plants are extremely thin, usually only one cell thick.)
5. 膜蕨科植物常常被用来制作盆景和室内装饰植物。
(Hymenophyllaceae plants are often used as bonsai and indoor decorative plants.)
6. 许多膜蕨科植物在生长环境受到破坏后变得极为罕见。
(Many Hymenophyllaceae plants have become extremely rare due to habitat destruction.)
7. 学者们对膜蕨科植物的分类和演化历史进行了深入的研究。
(Scientists have conducted in-depth research on the classification and evolutionary history of Hymenophyllaceae plants.)
8. 膜蕨科植物的花朵非常微小,通常很难观察清楚。
(The flowers of Hymenophyllaceae plants are very small and are often difficult to observe clearly.)
9. 尽管膜蕨科植物规模较小,但它们在自然界中起到了重要的生态和环境保护作用。
(Despite their small size, Hymenophyllaceae plants play an important ecological and environmental protection role in nature.)