Capra是什么意思 Capra的读音、翻译、用法

Capra是什么意思 Capra的读音、翻译、用法


1. Capra hircus是一种能适应各种环境的小型动物,常被人类驯化饲养。

(Capra hircus is a small animal that can adapt to various environments and is often domesticated by humans.)

2. Capra ibex是阿尔卑斯山脉最具代表性的羚羊之一。

(Capra ibex is one of the most representative ibex in the Alps.)

3. Capra falconeri是喜马拉雅山脉的一种稀有山羊,数量稀少。

(Capra falconeri is a rare type of mountain goat found in the Himalayas with a small population.)

4. Capra nubiana是非洲东北部的一种山羊,被认为是一种重要的肉类来源。

(Capra nubiana is a type of goat found in northeast Africa and is considered an important source of meat.)

5. Capra sibirica是西伯利亚和蒙古地区一种广泛分布的山羊,被称为“阿尔泰山脉之王”。

(Capra sibirica is a widely distributed goat found in Siberia and Mongolia and is known as the "king of the Altai Mountains".)

6. Capra prisca是已经灭绝的一种山羊,生活在Pliocene - Pleistocene时期。

(Capra prisca is an extinct goat that lived during the Pliocene-Pleistocene period.)

7. Capra aegagrus是山羊最早的祖先之一。

(Capra aegagrus is one of the earliest ancestors of the goat.)

8. Capra caucasica是高加索山脉特有的一种山羊,数量稀少。

(Capra caucasica is a rare type of mountain goat found only in the Caucasus Mountains.)

9. Capra pyrenaica是一种生活在西班牙和法国皮拉尼斯山脉的山羊。

(Capra pyrenaica is a type of goat found in the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain and France.)

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