Probosciger aterrimus是英语单词Black Palm Cockatoo的学名,是一种由澳大利亚特有的鹦鹉亚科黑棕凤头鹦鹉。
常见翻译:Probosciger aterrimus的常见翻译为黑棕凤头鹦鹉。
用法:Probosciger aterrimus通常用于学术文献或鸟类相关资料中。
1. The Probosciger aterrimus is a large, black cockatoo that is native to Australia. (Probosciger aterrimus是一种大型黑色凤头鹦鹉,原产于澳大利亚。)
2. The Probosciger aterrimus is known for its distinctive black feathers and red cheek patches. (Probosciger aterrimus以其独特的黑色羽毛和红色面颊斑点而闻名。)
3. The Probosciger aterrimus is a popular bird in aviculture due to its striking appearance and engaging personality. (由于其引人注目的外观和吸引人的个性,Probosciger aterrimus在鸟类饲养中非常受欢迎。)
4. The Probosciger aterrimus is a protected species in Australia due to habitat destruction and the illegal pet trade. (由于栖息地破坏和非法宠物贸易,Probosciger aterrimus在澳大利亚是一种受保护的物种。)
5. The Probosciger aterrimus is a highly intelligent bird that requires plenty of mental stimulation and social interaction. (Probosciger aterrimus是一种高度智能的鸟类,需要充足的精神刺激和社交互动。)
6. The Probosciger aterrimus is a long-lived bird that can live up to 60 years in captivity. (Probosciger aterrimus是一种寿命长的鸟类,在圈养环境中能够活到xx年。)
7. The Probosciger aterrimus is one of the largest cockatoos in the world, with a wingspan of up to 1 meter. (Probosciger aterrimus是世界上最大的凤头鹦鹉之一,翼展可达1米。)
8. The Probosciger aterrimus is a vocal bird that can imitate a wide range of sounds, including human speech. (Probosciger aterrimus是一种会发声的鸟类,可以模仿各种声音,包括人类语音。)
9. The Probosciger aterrimus is a spectacular bird that is highly prized by bird watchers and nature enthusiasts. (Probosciger aterrimus是一种引人注目的鸟类,深受鸟类观察者和自然爱好者的喜爱。)