cyclamen是什么意思 cyclamen的读音、翻译、用法

cyclamen是什么意思 cyclamen的读音、翻译、用法

'cyclamen'是英语单词,中文翻译为“仙客来”。这个词通常用来指落叶草本植物仙客来(学名:Cyclamen persicum),它是一种常见的观赏植物,在春季开放美丽的花朵。


1. I bought a beautiful cyclamen for my living room. (我为客厅买了一盆漂亮的仙客来。)

2. She loves to collect different species of cyclamen. (她喜欢收藏不同品种的仙客来。)

3. The cyclamen flower has a unique fragrance. (仙客来花有一种独特的香味。)

4. The pink cyclamen is my favorite. (粉色的仙客来是我最喜欢的。)

5. The cyclamen plant prefers a cool and moist environment. (仙客来植物喜欢凉爽潮湿的环境。)

6. The cyclamen leaves turn yellow in autumn. (仙客来的叶子在秋天会变黄。)

7. The cyclamen is used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory problems. (仙客来在传统医学中被用来治疗呼吸道问题。)

8. The cyclamen grows well in a well-draining soil mixture. (仙客来在排水良好的土壤混合物中生长良好。)

9. She received a bouquet of cyclamen flowers for her birthday. (她在生日时收到了一束仙客来花。)

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