1. 'Kyphosidae'是拉丁语,翻译为髯鯛科。
2. 髯鯛科是一种海洋鱼类科,常见于温带和热带海域,包括约30种不同的物种。
3. 该词语用法广泛,常用于描述髯鯛科鱼类的生物特征、生态习性和分类学。
4. 据报道,髯鯛科鱼类在日本文化中被广泛视为幸运的吉祥物。
5. 这种鱼类的特点是触须较长,有些物种还具有显著的颜色变化能力。
6. 髯鯛科鱼类被普遍认为是海洋环境下重要的底层食物链物种。
7. 髯鯛科鱼类属于逆温性鱼类,对水温升高比较敏感。
8. 在夏季,许多人喜欢前往海滩钓髯鯛科鱼类以作为美味佳肴。
9. 髯鯛科鱼类在自然环境中起着重要的调节作用,它们可以消耗底层生物,维护海洋生态平衡。
1. The Kyphosidae family includes many species of fish found in temperate and tropical waters.(髯鯛科家族包括许多种在温带和热带水域发现的鱼类。)
2. Kyphosidae fish are known for their long whiskers and ability to change color.(髯鯛科鱼类以其长须和变色能力而闻名。)
3. Some Kyphosidae species are commonly used as bait for other fish.(一些髯鯛科物种常被用作其他鱼类的诱饵。)
4. In Japanese culture, Kyphosidae fish are considered a lucky symbol.(在日本文化中,髯鯛科鱼类被视为幸运符号。)
5. Kyphosidae fish play an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems.(髯鯛科鱼类在维持海洋生态系统平衡方面起着重要的作用。)
6. Due to their sensitivity to temperature changes, Kyphosidae fish are often used as indicators of climate change.(由于对温度变化的敏感性,髯鯛科鱼类经常被用作气候变化的指标。)
7. Many people enjoy fishing for Kyphosidae fish in the summer months.(许多人喜欢在夏季钓髯鯛科鱼类作为美食。)
8. The classification of Kyphosidae fish is constantly evolving as new species are discovered.(随着新物种的发现,髯鯛科鱼类的分类不断更新。)
9. Kyphosidae fish are an important part of the marine food web, serving as prey for larger fish and predators for smaller organisms.(髯鯛科鱼类是海洋食物链的重要组成部分,服务于更大的鱼类的猎物和更小生物的捕食者。)