Seymour Papert是什么意思 Seymour Papert的读音、翻译、用法

Seymour Papert是什么意思 Seymour Papert的读音、翻译、用法

'Seymour Papert'是英语,可以翻译为“西莫·帕珀特”。他是一位美国的教育家和计算机科学家,被誉为现代计算机教育的奠基人之一。他在计算机科学、教育理论、认知心理学等领域有着广泛的研究贡献。

含有“Seymour Papert”的9个例句:

1. Seymour Papert was greatly interested in exploring the intersection of education and technology.(西莫·帕珀特非常关注探索教育和技术的交叉点。)

2. Papert's book “Mindstorms” has been widely influential in the field of educational technology.(帕珀特的书《Mindstorms》在教育科技领域有着广泛的影响力。)

3. Papert's work laid the foundation for the development of constructionist learning theory.(帕珀特的工作奠定了建构主义学习理论的基础。)

4. Seymour Papert was a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence.(西莫·帕珀特是人工智能领域的先驱。)

5. Papert's Logo programming language was designed to teach children programming concepts.(帕珀特的Logo编程语言旨在教孩子编程概念。)

6. Papert believed that children learn through exploration and hands-on activities.(帕珀特相信孩子通过探索和实践活动学习。)

7. The legacy of Seymour Papert lives on in the many educators and researchers who continue to build upon his ideas.(西莫·帕珀特的遗产在许多教育家和研究人员中得以延续,他们继续发展他的思想。)

8. Papert was a strong advocate for computer literacy as an essential skill for modern life.(帕珀特是计算机素养作为现代生活必备技能的坚定支持者。)

9. Seymour Papert's contributions to the field of education have been widely recognized and celebrated.(西莫·帕珀特在教育领域的贡献得到了广泛的认可和赞扬。)

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