这个词语来自日本,翻译成中文为“日本明虾”。'Penaeus japonicus'是一种大型海产,属于虾科,是重要的水产养殖种类之一。常常被人类用来作为美食食材。
以下是9个含有'Penaeus japonicus'的例句:
1. 想要品尝最正宗的日本料理,就一定要尝尝日本明虾寿司。
Translation: If you want to taste the most authentic Japanese cuisine, you must try sushi made with Penaeus japonicus.
2. 这家餐厅的明虾汤用的就是日本明虾,非常鲜美可口。
Translation: The shrimp soup in this restaurant is made with Penaeus japonicus, which is very delicious and tasty.
3. 在日本,明虾被广泛地用来做各种料理,如明虾天妇罗、明虾炒饭等。
Translation: In Japan, Penaeus japonicus is widely used to make various dishes, such as shrimp tempura and shrimp fried rice.
4. 这些日本明虾是在海上捕捞而来的,保持了其天然的鲜活口感。
Translation: These Penaeus japonicus are caught at sea, and retain their natural freshness and taste.
5. 日本明虾的养殖是一项十分复杂的过程,需要严格控制水质、氧气等因素。
Translation: The cultivation of Penaeus japonicus in Japan is a very complex process, which requires strict control of factors such as water quality and oxygen.
6. 在日本的料理文化中,明虾是非常受欢迎的食材之一,有着悠久的历史。
Translation: In Japanese cuisine, Penaeus japonicus is a very popular ingredient with a long history.
7. 这些日本明虾的质量非常好,是我们公司的首选进口水产。
Translation: The quality of these Penaeus japonicus is very good, and they are our company's preferred imported seafood.
8. 据统计,日本是世界上明虾养殖量最大的国家之一。
Translation: According to statistics, Japan is one of the countries with the largest cultivation of Penaeus japonicus in the world.
9. 日本明虾的价格相对较高,但是它的美味值得一试。
Translation: The price of Penaeus japonicus in Japan is relatively high, but its delicious taste is worth trying.