Betula tortuosa是什么意思 Betula tortuosa的读音、翻译、用法

Betula tortuosa是什么意思 Betula tortuosa的读音、翻译、用法

'Betula tortuosa'是拉丁语,表示卷曲白桦。它是一种生长在北美洲和欧洲的大型灌木或小型树木。这种树木的皮是灰白色的,比较光滑,树皮有时会成为丝绸状。

以下是9个含有'Betula tortuosa'的例句:

1. Betula tortuosa grows in wetlands and low-lying areas.(卷曲白桦生长在湿地和低洼地区。)

2. The bark of Betula tortuosa can be used as a natural insect repellent.(卷曲白桦的树皮可以作为天然昆虫驱除剂。)

3. The leaves of Betula tortuosa turn yellow in the autumn.(卷曲白桦的叶子在秋天变黄。)

4. Betula tortuosa is often used as an ornamental plant in gardens.(卷曲白桦通常被用作花园的观赏植物。)

5. The wood of Betula tortuosa is commonly used for making furniture.(卷曲白桦的木材通常用于制作家具。)

6. Betula tortuosa is a popular species for bonsai cultivation.(卷曲白桦是盆栽栽培的流行物种。)

7. The flowers of Betula tortuosa bloom in the spring.(卷曲白桦的花在春天开放。)

8. Betula tortuosa is resistant to many plant diseases.(卷曲白桦对许多植物病害具有抵抗力。)

9. The roots of Betula tortuosa can help to prevent soil erosion.(卷曲白桦的根可以帮助防止土壤侵蚀。)

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